Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Harper at 11 months

Harper is 11 months old..(well actually as I an writting this she is 12 months). Growing up so fast.

Happy girl!

You love to pull up on everything.

At 11 months..
You love to play with your brothers, wherever they are you are sure to follow.
You can drink out of a sippy cup and eat most foods. I have not found anything that you will not eat yet.
You love to lay your head on our shoulder and suck your thumb.
Oh! how you LOVE your thumb.
You wear a size 18-24 months clothing
You wear a size 4 shoe and a size 4 diaper.
You crawl and are pulling up and cruising around holding onto furniture.
You have seven teeth.
You clap, say mama and dada and bye bye and dog at times.
You bit Cooper for the first time this month.
You love to look at books.
You pick up your food one piece at a time and chew it completely before proceding to the next bite.
You are the happiest little girl, and complete our family.

Mommy and Daddy

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Cooper's 4th Birthday

The week of Cooper's birthday was a busy one! Hagen had his first field trip on November 9th and Cooper was feeling poorly that day and for a few days after. November 10th was Erik's brother's rehearsal dinner for his wedding and Friday 11-11-11 was the big day. So by Saturday the 12th the day of Cooper's party we were all pretty tired. But, we had a super hero birthday bash to prepare for.

As we were getting ready for the party that afternoon, I received a call from my sister Meghan, her basketball team was playing in a tournament in Mabank and they had quite a few hours before their next game, so her and her team were coming to visit. The next thing I know this was parked on our street.
Yes! That is a yellow school bus! The boys were quite entertained, the girls hung out for a few hours, Erik cooked them hamburgers they even helped me hang some decorations for the party.

The Superman bounce house.

Blue Candy Apples! I found this idea and the site for the mix on pinterest, and they are very easy and inexpensive to make. I love pinterest!

The Captain America shield cake. My friend Kim that I work with made this! I think she did a great job! Cooper loved his cake.

Guests arriving.

Nanny and Batgirl aka. Harper Kate.

Capt. America and Superwoman.. (Coop and Presley)

Daddy was such a good sport at our super hero dress up birthday with his capt. America t-shirt!

Opening his shield and mask, so excited.

Cooper and Payton, best friends.

Ready to save the day!

My sweet boy.

Blowing out 4 candles!!

Waiting patiently for his piece of cake.

Uncle Jody and Harper Kate, enjoying the birthday cake.

Loving his new birthday gift. Painting away.

At four years old, you are deffinately a strong willed child. You march to the beat of your own drum and let no one influence your decisions. You are very smart and have a large vocabulary for your age, you study things and catch on quickly. And you are a master at manipulating situations to your benefit, and you challenge us daily. You make us all laugh, and you are our cuddly child. We love you very much.

At 4:
You wear a size 5 in clothes.
You wear a size 11 1/2 shoe.
You are 41 1/2" tall and 42 Ibs.
You still have your signature curly hair, even though there are many times you try to comb it straight.
You love to be lazy and stay in you pajamas all day.
You love movies, especially superhero movies.
You still secretly play with dolls at your cousins Paytons house. However that is not your main priority in life now.
You love to talk and have the loudest mouth in the house.
You almost always get your way some way or another.
You are my baby boy and still loves to be held.
You love to color, paint and draw.
You love to give your little sister kisses.
You already love Jesus so much. You listen so closely in Sunday School and proudly announce to people that Jesus lives in your heart! That makes my heart full.

We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Stationery card

Wishing You Merry Christmas Card
Customize your Christmas cards this year at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hagen's first field trip

November 9th what a big day at the Tijerina house! Hagen's first kindergarten field trip and Cooper's birthday! Cooper was up most of the night before with vometing and a stomach bug, so needless to say he missed his birthday trip to Denny's. KK was luckily off and could watch Cooper and Harper while I went on the Kindergarten field trip with Hagen. We headed to Mesquite, where the kids got to play at a great park and then have lunch.

Hagen with his "buddies" Miles, Caden Ryder and Austin.

Hagen and Caden.

You may notice the bright colors, after playing at the park we headed to Garland for a "fun and crazy" learning concert. The kids were all encouraged to wear fun and mismatched clothes. Hagen chose to wear mismatched socks and shoes. All of the Kindergarten teachers had spray painted their hair pink!

Hagen and Caden dancing to a song at the concert..."A tooty taugh".

A great day. Poor Cooper kept his virus for the next three days, not a fun birthday week..

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