He used his usual dress made out of a blanket and cowboy belt combo. But this time he added a twist. An ace wrap, around his head with the ends of it flowing in the back. According to Cooper, "like her beautiful hair". Yes, I am well aware he has a problem, but this still made me laugh so hard I could not resist sharing.
That afternoon Hagen was at the end of our cul-de-sac playing with the neighborhood boys, all of the sudden I heard him flying through the front door, so upset. He was yelling, "Mom, could you please keep him in the house, he has a dress on and it is not for little kids, outside where we are playing!" Cooper had made his way were Hagen was wearing his blanket/dress and ace wrap hair, swinging around back and forth, and had informed his big brother that it was time for supper. You could tell Hagen was sooo embarassed. However, Cooper could care less what all the older boys thought of him in his Rapunzel costume. He is going to kill me for documenting this when he is about 16.
I am literally laughing out loud and tears are streaming down my face....yes, play date next week:)