Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Superhero Thursday...

So we finally did it. Cooper's princess dolls are boxed up on a shelf in the laundry room. He is actually taking it pretty well. He just became so obsessive with them, I could not take it anymore. So we have been looking for other things to do. He plays alot more outside and that is so nice. He has decided out of the blue that he likes superman now and he needed a cape. Well when he asked for one, I did not want to go to Wal-Mart for fabric so I found some scraps that somewhat resembled superman colors. I quickly sewed it together for him. He loves to "fly through the air" with it. Of course, after Hagen came home from school he decided that he was in desperate need of a batman cape.

Superman and Batman.

Flying through the air!

Oh, how I LOVE having boys. I seriously wonder sometime about women that dread having them?? I have the most fun. I do have to add that there are times that I find Cooper putting his superman cape around hid head to look like Rapunzel. I am hoping that tendancy will go away..

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1 comment:

  1. This is great!!! I so agree, about people that dread having boys! It drives me crazy!! Now, it is high energy, but it is SO FUN! I would not have it any other way!! I LOVE my boys, and my sweet girl! Life is never dull!
